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App Redesign


This is a study of the possibility of a redesigned app for IMDb, focusing on both UX research and user interface. This is not made, owned, or affiliated directly to IMDb.


Product Designer


2022 May - July


Zoom, Google Jamboard, Photoshop, Figma

iPhone 13 Pro.png

IMDb has always been my favorite website whenever I want complete information about specific movies; after realizing they have an app to download, I was so excited, hoping to create a movie list and search for more I haven’t watched. As I was scrolling through their app, I realized how it is lacking in so many ways that now, after studying user experience for a while, I figured it is time to make a difference.


Most people search for movie information before deciding what to watch.

After typing into the search bar on their phone, 40% of the participants clicked on the IMDb website without notice. Reading through every information needed, they don’t even bother to recognize the website they are using. With that being said, how is it possible for IMDb to attract more users using their app?

My Challenge

How might we design an intuitive user flow to upgrade the user experience and user interface for the IMDb app that is not only all-inclusive and cohesive but also creates a personalized experience for users of this app.


Most people search for movie information before deciding what to watch.

After typing into the search bar on their phone, 40% of the participants clicked on the IMDb website without notice. Reading through every information needed, they don’t even bother to recognize the website they are using. With that being said, how is it possible for IMDb to attract more users using their app?

First Stage — Empathize


📈 Competitive Analysis

Searching through Appstore, I analyzed the three similar apps surrounding this goal/productivity space. The three mobile apps I chose had the most similar concept according to the above solutions and what I am looking to design. These apps might not have as much data as IMDb; however, they provide some of those high demanding functions on the market that are great to consider including in my redesign.

Three evaluations I choose to analyze are:

How similar are these apps towards the solutions, and what are the features?

What are their downfalls?

How other ways are they providing users with unique features and functions?

justwatch app logo.png
Just Watch
sofa time logo.jpeg
Sofa Time
watchworthy logo.webp

These great apps all focus on structuring a great personal user experience, from taste-based exploring to creating lists and integrating with streamers. Some of them also provided movie schedules to search and even purchase options; most of them are closely aligned with what our goal is for the redesign concept.

🧠 Brainstorming

After the comparative/ competitive analysis, I came up with some ideas to incorporate into the redesign. These assumptions will also be included in the user interview and open to adjustment after the investigation.

Share movies/news without leaving the app or logging into another.
Personalize suggestions according to your taste.
Keep track and save TV shows and movies into self-collections.

👥 The Users

Before starting to structure questions and interview participants, I decided not only to include users that are movies and TV shows enthusiasts or passionate movie lovers; but also those who casually view or are interested in knowing more about details and information about specific movies and TV shows.

🎙️ Interviews

To understand users before confirming my hypothesis, I conducted Interviews and Surveys for my Research Plan after interviewing participants. After the first interview with potential and original users, I filtered the participants to emphasize users better and define problems. I had a second round of interviews with users already using IMDB.

Step 1: With all users,

Here are a few general questions that I included in all the interactions :

Do you search or read about the movie before watching it?

On a scale of 1-5, how important is it to know some information about this movie before watching it?

Have you ever used the app IMDb before?

Would you want to use any app to keep track of what movie you’ve watched?

According to Survey, I organized on Google Form to observe any pattern and similarity in what the potential users may want. A total of 35+ people responded to the survey, which assisted me in framing the problem correctly.

Analyzing the responses received,

35/38  of the users search or read about the movie before watching it.

35/38  of the users care about knowing some information about the movie before watching it.

17/38   of the users had experience using IMDb before.

25/38  users might want to keep track of movies they’ve seen.

Step 2: With IMDb Users,

Here are a few general questions that I included in all the interactions :

How often do you go on IMDb?

Do you use the IMDb web version or mobile, or both?

What are the primary purposes you would use IMDb for?

How much do you enjoy suggestion content from IMDb?

In your opinion, IMDb can do better in which way?

Other Key Quotes directly from users:

" I love keeping track of what movies I’ve seen before; that way, I can easily share a list with my friends and check if there’s anything missed."

🤔 Research Synthesize

After interviewing all participants, a dominating percentage expected the app to include more features than it is doing now. Also, most importantly, regarding the UI design of this app, many users claimed that the UI right now looks very outdated. Lacking function and old-fashioned visuals can deter existing and potential users, or even worse, forever quitting this app.

Combining all the above, I can now synthesize my research and better understand my users and their main frustrations and goals. I have a better picture of what kind of app users might expect and features that will be great to include.

Second Stage — Define


🙋 Personas

Below I created 2 different User Personas based on the target user group and all the information gathered by the research. These 2 fictional characters represent the target user groups of the app.

Christina persona.png
Claude persona.png

✅ Hypothesis Statements


I believe it will help save time and keep tracking if users Claude can create and organize their favorite or want to watch movies and TV shows into lists within the app.


I believe it will help improve the experience if user Christina can get a tailored suggestion based on her tastes and updates on her following celebrities.

💡 Ideation

Combining all the above, I can now synthesize my research and better understand my users and their main frustrations and goals. I came up with a few concepts and detailed features I want to include in this app; the goal is to provide a useful app for users.

  1. Sharing and Chatting Interaction with Friends

  2. Personal list for users to create collections on their criteria

  3. Improve feed on explore page, help the app learn more about the user, hence show each one a unique feed of news that varies depending on the chosen tags.

Instead of a website, users can only search or navigate around browsing specific information. We want the IMDb app to be a more exclusive experience. Whenever users talk about an actor or are just wondering what to watch during dinner, they can open IMDb and immediately receive what they are looking for, increasing the engagement rate with this app.

Third Stage — Ideate


🧩The Redesign

Home Tab

The home page is the first expression for users when they open the app; the preliminary information should be placed in the right place as the first step to increasing engagement to continue using the app.


The original UI design was outdated and didn’t fit the recent trend. There was too much information to stay clean and consistent, but the lack of exciting interaction seemed tedious. I decided to structure the page with interactive elements and various sizing components and valorize list features for users bringing more interactions and discovery.

home_personalized listings.png
Frame 2.png

List Tab

Invite others to share the list for friends, roommates, and family members. Users don’t need to share URLs but can follow the same list within the app.

share listing.png
Frame 4.png

Fourth Stage — Testing


📬 Testing and Feedback

After the first design was complete, I tested the prototype with seven representative users to see how user-friendly the applications were. The test was conducted over video calls and in-person interviews, where they were given the following tasks while I observed how they navigated through the application.


  1. Click on one movie in the Home and Explore Tab for further details

  2. Check other users that are sharing the same list

  3. Rate one movie

  4. Navigate to the messages page and read message history from others

I gathered positive responses to the prototype; participants could navigate through the app fairly easily. They could perform the benchmark tasks efficiently, and gave some of the following inputs on where they got confused and how some steps made it hard to complete.

Feedback to make the experience better:

" Some icons are too small, especially the ones in the List Tab. "

" Where can I personalize my feed? "

" The List Tab looks a bit confusing. Am I able to name my list? Or there are only three categories available. "

" The Explore Tab seems quite confusing. Is there another type of selection I can choose? "

Implementing Feedback and final product.

The suggestions from usability testing were considered and the following changes were made.

Frame 8.png
Frame 5.png
2-improve feed.png
final product

Final Stage — Key Takeaways

key takeaways

📈 Success Metrics

After the final design was set in stone, I decided to do a System Usability Scale (SUS) to understand how users feel compare to the current Zara website.

52% increase in navigability of the website without assistance.

43% increase in the website's understandability.

35% of the increase in confidence in using the new design.

👀 Reflections

I enjoyed this redesign as I got to fully transit my idea into a design and test with users, proving my research and getting feedback supporting my investigations. However, innovation can never be complete; it can always upgrade and evolve.

If I got more time, I would come back by adding more features or functions; as an app needs users to engage more often, there is always space to update and redesign.

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